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Alliance between two powerful parties: Ocean Family and Lianhua Huashang Group jointly host the press briefing of Norway salmon

Reunion tomorrow after years’ separation! The news from the press briefing, which is hosted jointly by Ocean Family and Hangzhou Lianhua Huashang Group Cp., Ltd.: fresh Norway salmon, which has been the seafood star, but not seen in Chinese market for couple years, will officially embrace consumers tomorrow.


Fresh Norway salmon will be officially sold at Century Mart Jingxuanweilai store, where is the site of the held press briefing. Consumers will also select the real deal of this delicacy, which has been the favorite one for a long time, at many locations such as Ocean Family’s tuna experience pavilions, seafood counters at high-end supermarkets, and Ocean Family’s seafood counters at Century Mart’s CityLife South Yanan Road store, Rainbow City store, Green&health GDAPlaza store, Qingchun Road store, Binjiang Jianghui store and etc. Meanwhile, the selling will also be simultaneously carried out at Jingxuan Mart, which is Century Mart’s official e-commerce platform.


For food connoisseurs, salmon is not so unfamiliar. And Norway salmon, which occupies more than half market share of global export volume, attracts Chinese consumers’ preference by its great flesh and delicious taste. However, in recently years, due to multiple factors, the importers suspended the import business of Norway salmon.


This time, Ocean Family grasps the opportunity, brought by the Zhejiang visiting delegation to Norway, to sign the big order of salmon with Cermaq Group AS, the second biggest salmon enterprise in the world, annually importing 10 thousand tons salmon. This will bring long-term welfare for consumers. The first batch fresh Norway salmon has arrived in Hangzhou yesterday. For the re-import of Norway salmon this time, the relevant inspection and quarantine officers at Hangzhou airport audited the goods at the first time when goods landed and made the sample for check to ensure this batch salmon can quickly and safely go through process of customs clearance, letting food connoisseurs in Hangzhou to enjoy this long-waiting delicacy.


Lianhua Huashang’s concept, which is to import “healthy, fashionable, classy”, highly matches Ocean Family’s business philosophy, which is to provide more safe, reassuring, healthy, and delicious seafood for consumers at home and abroad. Besides its own tuna experience pavilions, Ocean Family selects Century Mart as the channel of first selling of salmon, alliancing two powerful parties and bringing more great on-site experience for consumers.


上一篇:Mr. Jiangjianming, the deputy mayor of Zhoushan, and his team visit Ocean Family
下一篇:Ocean Family signs the big contract of salmon in Norway, “delivering freshness”in the area of eastern China
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