On the afternoon of 29th August, the first batch of Norway salmon arrives in Hangzhou airport, after 48 hours of air flying. Through official customs clearance, inspection, and release, this batch salmon will be gradually delivered to Ocean Family’s tuna experience pavilions and high-end seafood counters in the area of eastern China. Consumers can grab the delicacy in the first time, enjoying the real deal of goody!
On the early morning today, Mr. Zengyuexiang, the general manager of the company, who is accompanying the Zhejiang delegation to visit Norway, passes on the good news: on the afternoon of 28th August in Norway, during the ceremony of signing cooperation agreements between Zhoushan and Nord-Norge, Zhejiang Ocean Family signs the agreement of the operation right of sales of salmon in China and trade cooperation with Cermaq Group AS, the second biggest salmon enterprise in Norway, annually importing 10 thousand tons salmon, from the original production place to the sales terminal, to let Chinese consumers timely to enjoy the real deal of fresh Norway salmon.
In the future, following the gradual opening of other entry points around the country, Ocean Family will deliver fresh salmon by air 3 times per week from Norway to entry points such as Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, or Chengdu and etc., supplying the freshest Norway salmon to Chinese market and letting consumers in different areas to enjoy this delicacy from the original production place.
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